Heroes Wiki

Dennis Collins is a character in the mini-series, Heroes Reborn. He is the son of Luke Collins and Joanne Collins. He was killed in the attack on June 13th, 2014 in Odessa. Dennis was born in Rochester, New York and was nine years old. He has the condition Solar Urticaria, so when exposed to sun (UV radiation) he gets bad rashes or hives or can suffer anaphylactic shock.


Dennis died during the June 13th bombing in Odessa's Unity Summit. He had left his parents, and gone to watch the Ice Man who had the ability to freeze things. When the explosion occurred, Luke and Joanne couldn't find him. They frantically searched the wreckage, but the only one Luke found and helped was the Ice Man, who could not tell him where Dennis was.

After Luke and Joanne were barred from further searching, they had to rely upon the search crews. Luke and Joanne posted Dennis' picture on a board at the Summit for the people that are still missing. Eventually, workers brings in Dennis' body, he had been killed outright by the fallout of the explosion. Both his parents are utterly devastated as they were shown his pale lifeless body.

Joanne emphatically blamed EVOs for his death. The only thing that made her feel better was killing those she blamed. Joanne was the motivator behind her and Luke becoming vigilantes. Episode: June 13th - Part One

Character History (Appearances)[]

Brave New World[]

At the Odessa Summit Dennis watched the Ice Man in awe.

June 13th - Part One[]

Dennis comes in contact with the sun. He blisters, and Luke and Joanne get into a fight on whether or not he should go to the Odessa Unity Summit. Luke thinks there may be an EVO there who can help Dennis, and they end up going.

Dennis is very impressed with the Ice Man's powers, and then later visits him again. He watched him again, but this time his balloon got blown away. Dennis chases after it and then the explosion happens. Luke searches for Dennis until he is forced to stop.

June 13th - Part Two[]

Luke and Joanne are pinning up Dennis's picture of the wall for the missing. Just then a boy gets brought in with a white sheet over his body. Luke and Joanne recognize the gloves he put on to make sure his hands didn't get burned. They lift the sheet to see a dead, pale, Dennis. Luke and Joanne break into tears. Joanne later murders the Ice Man, blaming his kind for the attack and for Dennis's death.

The Lion's Den[]

Luke returns to his house in Rochester, New York where watches old videos of him and Dennis on the lap top, a bitter sweet memory of them launching a home made model of a sailboat. He returns to Dennis' room where he looks at a picture of the family they once were, and then almost without thinking about it, he sets the room on fire. He drops his wedding ring into the flames, grabs a model sailboat he and Dennis made, and leaves the house to burn.
